

The government school and college performance tables also provide performance data. The data regarding St Stephen’s School can be accessed at the Government’s  School Performance Comparison Service.

Phonics Screening Test


Met Good Level of Development

Reception 80%

Y1 Phonics Check

  Passed Phonics Check
Y1 83%

End of KS1 Outcomes 2023-2024

  Expected Standard + Greater Depth Standard +
  St Stephen's 2024 National 2024 St Stephen's 2024 National 2024
Reading 75%   45%  
Writing 74%   15%  
Maths 81%   38%  
R, W, M Combined 72% - 11% -

End of KS2 Outcomes 2023-2024

  Expected Standard + Greater Depth Standard +
  St Stephen's 2024 National 2024 St Stephen's 2024 National 2024
Reading 88%   40%  
Writing 90%   30%  
SPAG 90%   40%  
Maths 85%   33%  
R, W, M Combined 77%   20%