St stephens 24


Gemma Grierson – Chair of GovernorsGG

I am delighted to be the Chair of Governors at St Stephen’s. I have been a parent governor at the school since January 2021, and Chair of Governors since January 2022. I believe St Stephen’s is a very special school – a culmination of the dedicated team of staff, inspiring leadership, wonderful parent community and most importantly the children that give the place its purpose.

My own professional background is in primary education, previously working as a Headteacher of a primary academy in London, so volunteering as a governor is a wonderful opportunity to use my knowledge and experience to help support our school as it continues on its journey. My two sons attend St Stephen’s and I have a younger daughter still at home so we have many years ahead as part of the school community.

Governors hold an important role at St Stephen's. We have a strategic rather than operational role which means we are not involved with the day to day running of the school. Instead our focus is on supporting and challenging the school’s leadership team to drive school improvement.

Our core functions include ensuring the clarity of the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction; holding executive leaders to account for educational performance of the school and its pupils; as well as the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Our team of governors, described as the Trust Local Committee, meet 6 times a year. Our governors come from a wide variety of professional backgrounds and our team is made up of a combination of Foundation, parents and Trust appointed. Over half of our governors are Foundation, with a focus on preserving the religious character of the school and upholding its Christian distinctiveness.

The Local Committee

Gemma Grierson - Chair

Ros Hicks - Vice Chair

Jo Marsh

Reverend Philip 

Richard Brown

Claire Vanni



Page Downloads Date  
Governance in BWMAT 24 25 09th Oct 2024 Download
Governors Attendance and Business Interests 23/24 10th Mar 2025 Download
St Stephen's TLC Constitution Declarations and Attendance 24/25 10th Mar 2025 Download