Highly effective teaching and learning at St Stephen's is centered around...
This could include…
- Nurturing positive, caring and professional relationships throughout our community
- Living the Core Values
- Setting a culture of trust and openness
- Using skills effectively to enhance the team
- Unconditional care and kindness
- Restorative, trauma informed practice
- Mutual levels of respect
This could include…
- Enthusiastic and passionate adults
- Inspiring learning hooks
- High challenge, low threat
- Purposeful and active learning
- Effective questioning
- New knowledge that builds on prior learning
- Variety of activities, input and content
This could include…
- Feeling of safety and belonging
- Culture of respect and responsibility
- Purposeful atmosphere
- Independent practice
- Accessible and organised resources
- Working walls to support and develop learning
- Engaging and celebratory displays
This could include…
- Regular written and oral
- Feedback to and from teachers and pupils
- Personalised and differentiated
- Honest feedback with opportunities to respond
- Next steps to inform and encourage progress